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47. Chet Bowling   (30.01.2009 14:35)
Looking forward to helping

46. kondrik   (18.08.2008 20:42)
Roman, and why are you hateful towards non-White people? Do you hate only black people or all non-white ethnicities?

its not the color of your skin that matter it is the purity of one''s soul and those who hate have dark souls.... Peace!

45. Roman   (06.08.2008 06:57)
When a white girl marries a negro, her sun of life goes down. And glaring spots of sin appear on her white wedding gown. And white and black men stand aghast, while viewing this strange role: And mutter, they will wreck themselves, and damn each other''s soul. We know a carnivorous bug has crept into her brain And gnawed away her self-respect, which left her half insane. Now all her racial pride has flown beyond redemptions fold And she begins lifes saddest tale that ever yet was told. Three days and nights she felt black lips press smug against her own. And on the fourth, her troubled soul, let out a frightful groan. And so the weeks and months flew by, and then a baby came; She looked at it with tear-filled eyes, and hung her head with shame. And then she dreamed of other days, sweet girlhood days gone by, And of the white friends left behind, and so we hear her cry, could I turn lifes pendulum backwards a few short years I would not bear this cross today, nor shed these bitter tears. My baby would be white as snow, and sleep upon my breast Like a little fledgling robin that slumbers in its nest. While now, O God, my mongrel child just whimpers through the night Till in my sleepless dreams I scream, not white, O God, not white! And so I stagger through my days far from Gods love and grace, Till now, I know, no black man lives, can take a white mans place. My offspring shall be mongrel bred, their hue-skin shall remain, For even God with all his power, cannot remove the stain. I sold my birthright for a mess, I mixed my white-born blood With black blood, so I languish here like one bogged down in mud. Though God may grant a pardon, I never can retrace My footsteps down lifes narrow road, back to the white mans race. So now I groan,It might have been, had racial pride been mine. Today I hug a pure white child, and call him half-divine. I lift him up before the world, and praise his fathers name, While now, my babys mongrel face reminds me of my shame. All other crimes may be forgiven when prayer its power fulfills; The scheming crook may find new hope, and even the man that kills, But all my prayers can never clear my babys mongrel skin, Nor make him white as driven snow, nor cleanse my soul of sin. I was my fathers future hope, my mothers joy and pride, But I got lost on lifes dark road, and there my spirit died. I smeared my all-white heritage and left the white mans track, Now my descendants for all time shall be forever black. I try to hide from all the stars, the moon and the setting sun; For all mankind of my white race, condemn what I have done; I tremble and my teardrops flow, I pray, but pray in vain; For nevermore shall I be one with my white race again. And so dark clouds above me roll, deep waters crash below, I sink, and reap what I have sown, and drink my cup of woe. My mother sleeps deep in her grave, my dad lies at her side, For both were crushed when I became a negros common bride. Now, should I decide to leave him, where could I choose to go? My misspent life will follow me like footprints in the snow. Before me lie dark jungles where paramours seek a prey: Behind me death keeps whispering, I am the only way. This black and white, prenuptial mess, this racial suicide; Must be forbidden by the law, men must find racial pride! Then, never again, forever, shall tales like mine unfold, With all its shame, the saddest tale, that ever yet was told. ~ by Jeff Frey

44. Юлия Атрахимович   (05.06.2008 16:51)
Отличная организация!!!! Жалко что я о ней не знала когда жила в россии---Спасибо за вашу помощ таким детям как я:).

43. Kondrik   (05.06.2008 16:45)
Why would he say that futue belongs to the East if he through that peoples of Russia are subhuman slavs? Please elaborate

Also who are the true Russians? You say they are decendants of Nordic people? This means no Tatars and probably most other peoples who live on the political territory of Russia, correct?

42. Kondrik   (04.06.2008 17:25)
National Sociatist - please explain, what exactly does it mean? What are the main objectives, goals, etc.

what is dpni march? where and when?

Just because i do not agree with you does not mean that i''m not smart :)

PS your white comrades in South Africa loved the local peopel so much that they have created a whole new large population known as Afrikaans - decendants of Europeans and original inhabitants of South Africa. Not much of the white world esp. on the global scale shares your views to be honest with you.

41. DPNI-Daniil   (04.06.2008 10:10)
kondrik -- how about you show up at next dpni russian march? you will be swift to change your mind once you meet some real russian men and to meet your future -- a white nationalist russia

40. Kondrik   (03.06.2008 16:40)

If Russia is becoming a nationalist society and if Kremlin wants a ''pure'' white Russia, then why bother focusing on Africans, China poses a much greater threat. Are Chinese people not human either?

Why did Putin visit South Africa?

Russia will never be an openly racist society, it may be racist (not uniformly) but it''ll never be an official ideaology - that won''t fly.

Do you have a lot of money to be sending all non-Russians to Africa/America? especially those who actually have Russian passports? hmm.. wonder how much that would cost.

Did you already kill your sister? Or are you planning to do so?

I''m 100% Russian, no Jewish blood (not that i care much), i''m very beautiful and very strong as i can stand up and challange beliefs of people like you. And right now u must be hating me as your last message was much more inflamatory than before.

Once again, if you want a better Russia a healthier society then I would focus on education, on provision of healthcare, on job opportunities as a lot of Russians (over 99.9% of whom are of your favourite color!!!) struggle, especially outside of large cities. If you want a better Russia, this should be your priority not ethnic cleansing.

Russians including myself are very proud people - youa re right, I''m always happy to tell people where i came from and about MY country, but in Russian pride there is no need for putting down people from other backgrounds - eto nizko and it is what only nationalists like you do...

p.s. such hatred also doesn''t fit well with Orthodox beliefs, lubi blishnego svoego kak samogo sebya; God is the creater of all things visible and invisible - the creater of all peoples and all creatures and you are questioning God''s creation and hating it?

39. kondrik   (02.06.2008 19:55)
Gosh Alexandra...

Talk about evolution, we did all come from same species, but as people migrated to different parts of the world they aquired different morphological (skin-deep) characteristics: speficically melanin, which simply a reaction/adoptation to sun exposure. Now that the geographical boundaries of mountains, seas and oceans no longer prevent people from mixing, people all over the world do, welcome to the world we live in.

Also, as a matter of fact black people developed immunities to some diseases that white people have not (and vice versa) and that is why many mulattoes are blessed with immune system which can protect from more deseases.

Spiritually you are white - hmm... didn''t know spirit of any person has a color.

Are you a religious person? Are you Orthodox?

38. kondrik   (27.05.2008 21:47)
Yuliana, thank God, you are not God :) Why they are not humans? Are you? What did they do to you?

37. Yuliana   (23.05.2008 10:05)
People like Kondrik don''t GET IT. In a few short years though I suspect quite soon Putin will rid Russia of all niggers. Russia has no place for them. I do not mind the Tatars, Kalmyks and all the peoples who have been in Russia for centuries and eons but the niggers are uneccesary and they are not humans.

36. kondrik   (16.05.2008 17:13)
Alexandra, it is interesting that my grandmother''s name is the same as yours and my grandfather''s name is Nikolay :)

I do understand love for ''your people'', I love my ''people'' too, but why loving your people means hating other people? I am proud to be Russian, i love who i am but i also appreciate other people regardless of their race. To me what important is whether a person is good, honest, caring, kind, loving etc and not their race, as long as you are a good person i don''t care what colour you are.

I''m very sorry to hear about your sister''s bad expereince... Do you help her or did you turn your back on her? Why would you let this situation ruin your bond with your sister, isn''t your love and relationship with her more important than your hate for the decisions, which she made?

The truth is that everybody needs to use their head, regardless of their race and if they guy was not committed to her, if he was not in a serious relationship with her, if he did not plan on marrying her then why did she have unprotected sex with him? For me this has to do with thinking before you act (and not with race). So for me the tragedy is not that she had sex with a black man but that she had unprotected sex and now has a child she is not capable of taking care of and a child who does not have a father.

It is also a shame that you had to draw your conclusions about black people on the encounter your sister had with one man. This was not a representative sample. I know black man who are loving fathers and husbands, people who have accomplished a lot, people who are committed to their families. It is a lady''s job to choose her partner- her boyfriend, or husband and the father of their children correctly and for me such choice rests with personality of a person not their race.

35. Alexandra   (16.05.2008 08:57)
Kondrik -

I am not full of hate, I am in fact full of love for my people. It hits very close to home to waste their beauty and their God given gifts of reproduction on a lesser species. Yes, I do not see negroes as even the same species as us. I had a sister, I say this as she is dead to me but she committed this racial suicide with a negro student she met at university.

She claimed it was love she felt for him but I saw her ruined before my eyes. She was once a beautiful, lively girl with many dreams and aspirations now she lives in poverty with her ''child''. Her daughter is nothing of her mother''s former glory. I warned her to have an abortion but now she has this child and no Russian man want her. She cannot even leave her apartment without harrassment- she had it coming to her.

And to answer your question, yes I do have one child. I''ve been married to my wonderful husband Nikolay who has also voiced his mind here. We have one son, Vladimir named for our great leader Vladimir Putin though I respect Mr. Medvedev who has posted here. If Dmitry Anatolyevich goes through with his words he will be forever a great leader, I trust his judgement. He wants the same thing as I though he may speak PC for the West believe me he is a patriot at heart. That can be thanked to his mentor Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. If Nikolay and I have another boy we will name him Dmitry. :-)

34. Kondrik   (15.05.2008 22:29)
Whoever posted using my nick before - that is not appreciated and it is not my words, if u have something to say use your own nick!

Tools? ahahhaaam i didn''t know i was a ''tool''

natural order? special place in hell? - ok, take a break... Did you already kill any babies? Are you human yourself? Do you have any children Alexandra (the name of my grandmother!)?

i do understand where you stand and i clearly do not agree, what are you afraid of, why do you preach hatered for other people? What is your point? I get that you all are angry and full of hate but i don''t understand why?

If u are so concerned about the society and where it is going, then don''t you have more pressing issues like poverty, education, healthcare, housing ,etc?

Do you hate people based on race or nationality or both?

Have any of you ever travelled abroad? Do you hate the local peopel wherever you go if they don''t look like you or don''t speak the same language?

I also suspect that some of you writing here are not Russian...

And whoever posted using my nick, my goal is not to create a uniform race, i just appreciate people regardless of their race or national origin. Blue eyes are beautiful, so are brown, blond hair is beautiful and so is brown, so whoever u r don''t put words in my mouth, thanx...

33. Dmitry Medvedev   (10.05.2008 05:13)
It is one of my goals to eliminate such children from the equation. Soon there will be no need for this fund. All the best. Dmitry A. Medvedev

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